We provide a wide range of financial services including the items listed below. If you have a particular need that is not specifically listed, we would be happy to have a conversation and determine if we may be able to assist you. We do not offer set packages of services, but base our relationships with our clients on their needs. For some we provide limited services and for others we are quite extensively involved. We look forward to hearing how we may help you! 

Recording Revenue

  • Posting all deposits – All receiving, counting, and depositing of funds (checks and cash) is done by your church or ministry and the deposit information is sent to us for posting. We can receive the deposit information in a PDF scan or spreadsheet or we can access the information through a shared folder.

  • Contributions Entry – For individual and business tax-deductible contributions that your organization receives, we post the gifts into contributions software. Each January, to meet proper substantiation requirements, contribution statements are produced as PDFs that your team may email or print and mail to your donors.

  • Gifts-in-Kind – Record keeping and assisting with writing and mailing of individual In-Kind (non-cash) Contribution Statements to your donors. This is separate from the annual contribution statements and follows proper substantiation requirements.

Payroll Administration

  • Biweekly or semimonthly payroll can be run either in-house through our payroll software or through your third-party payroll service. Specifics include transacting the direct deposits, distributing the paystubs by email, and maintaining the employee payroll history and settings.

  • We will make all federal and state tax deposits and file the quarterly and annual federal and state payroll tax returns. We will file your returns as a licensed reporting agent with the IRS.

  • We produce and distribute all year-end W-2s and 1099-Misc forms and make the appropriate filings with the IRS. For the 1099s and 1099-Int forms, it is occasionally more cost effective to utilize a user-assisted third-party service that we would transact.


  • Typically, organizations provide us with a weekly PDF of all the bills/reimbursements to be paid, along with an expense account, brief description, and payment instructions noted on the bills/reimbursements. We recommend that one of our staff be added as a signer on the main operating account(s), which allows us to print and mail checks from our office. Appropriate internal controls are implemented with this service. Alternatively, we have several other options including utilizing an online third-party payables vendor, or providing prepared checks for the organization to sign and distribute.

  • For credit card activity, we have a number of best practices that we recommend depending on how credit cards are used by your organization.

  • Petty Cash – We set up and keep proper records for single or multiple petty cash accounts that are used on-site by your organization.

  • Accountability – All original bank statements should be received and reviewed directly by the church. All bank balances on the monthly Balance Sheet report will always be reconciled to the actual bank balances. Reconciliation reports can be provided at anytime. We abide by a number of customized internal controls to protect your church and our organization.

Cash Flow Forecasting & Planning

  • Many of our clients experience challenges with cash flow and we provide a weekly custom report to aid them with this challenge. We consider ourselves partners with each client and take sufficient care to insure safe cash levels at all times. We accomplish this by working together to decide on the timing of bill payments, monitoring of all bank balances, and keeping your finances completely up to date.


  • Standard Reports – We provide monthly financial reports including: Balance Sheet, Revenue and Expense Statement with Budget comparisons, General Ledger Detail Reports, and Designated Funds Summary. We can report on Cash or Accrual basis, utilizing Fund Accounting or Net Asset classifications. If specific reports are requested for individual accounts or time periods, we are able to provide those as well. In addition, we can advise on minor or significant revisions to your Chart of Accounts as needed.

  • Contribution Statements – Quarterly and/or annual preparation as needed.

  • Tax Filings – In addition to payroll related returns, we file sales tax returns and federal form 990s as required.

  • Bank Account Reconciliations – We reconcile all bank accounts each month and provide the reconciliation reports if desired.